Since withdrawal from Lan Meet Uncle Hussain (MUH) about five months ago, also added the absence of a successor to fill the place, which makes many assumptions that the group was established with Taja and Afat Lan eight years ago, only a matter of time before it is dissolved. However, the popularity of the latest songs MUH, "Drama King" is a new week at the Hammer Hot FM station but has been successful in placing themselves Carta Hot FM 30, proves that the group debuted trophy and Champions League Songs Pop Rock In "Lagu Untukmu" at the Anugerah Juara Songs to-23, still alive and have not lost venom. "Somewhat shocked when told (about the achievement of" Drama King "). We would like to thank all who have supported this track in particular radio station. Without them, this song may not have success like this," said Taja on GUA recently this. "Drama King" is not targeted to anyone MUH melodies and arrangements, and lyrics by Tun Teja, "Drama King", Taja story, tells about a person who is bored with their hypocritical behavior. "MUH known for songs that have the character of 'rebel' and that" Drama King ", a song 'rebel'. The song was not directed to anyone special. Anyone can track this shall turn to people they do not like, such that berperwatakan. " About kolobrasi MUH in Black with "Drama King", uncovered Taja, ideas that arise due to speculation about public participation as a vocalist Black MUH. "Therefore, cooperation between the Black and MUH satisfaction as those who want to see Black and MUH together. But it's hard to join the Black MUH because he already bound by a label." Be played at the Rock The World 9 Create fans who have long been waiting for the presentation of MUH, on December 26 is scheduled to be played at the stage of their Rock The World 9 to be held at Carpark A, Bukit Jalil Stadium. It was first presentation after their concert at New Generation and July 5 at the Hard Rock Cafe, which is also the last appearance with Lan MUH. Share Taja, they look forward played in front of fans. "Feeling nervous tu takde tapi memang dah lama tak patient because we do not 'perform'. Nak lepas gian-lah say." Whether Black will cover responsibilities as a vocalist on that day? "We are not sure if will be with us in the Black Rock The World to bring the song" Drama King ". It depends on the schedule. But on that day, we will be accompanied by a singer known all but we do not want to expose identity. If I knew whom, you need to come to Rock The World, "said Taja. Aggrieved but had Before ending the conversation, GUA have time to regret asking if Taja interesting nomination "Pari-Pari Di Bawah Angin" Semi-Finals of Music-Music. "No regrets but aggrieved. But that their decision (Lan and Tassiq, which is the creator of the song" Pari-Pari Di Bawah Angin "with Taja). We have to contact management and their responses we received (from management) they are busy. "
Lirik Drama King by Black & Meet Uncle Hussain
lyrics by
Kali pertama
Aku mengenalimu
Mahu bersama X2
Raut wajahmu bersih
Menyakinkan hati ini
Aku terpaut
*Koleksi Lirik Lagu-Lagu Melayu Di http://mylirik.com
Ohh.. Ohh..
Semua dusta palsu
Aku tertipu
Berubah menurut nafsu
Baru ku tahu
Lakon layarmu hebat
Terpukau ku melihat
Isi hati upahan
Sampai bila?
Kau mahu tersesat
Tidak kau penat
Hidup penuh muslihat
Raja drama
Kau masih berpura-pura
Kata-katamu hanya propaganda
Mengerja hijau ungu
Mata kelabu
Ini bukan kau yang pernah
Ku kenal dulu
Baru ku tahu
Lakon layarmu hebat
Terpukau ku melihat
Isi hati upahan
Sampai bila?
Kau mahu tersesat
Tidak kau penat
Hidup penuh muslihat
Raja drama
Baru ku tahu
Kau bertapa
Bagai maharaja di atas lembah
Lakon layarmu yang terhebat
Memukau mata melihat
Tidak kau penat
Hidup penuh dengan tipu muslihat
Sampai bila raja drama? X2
Tidak kau penat
Hidup penuh dengan tipu muslihat
Sampai bila raja drama? X2
Tidak kau penat
Hidup penuh dengan tipu muslihat
Kali pertama
Aku mengenalimu
Mahu bersama X2
Raut wajahmu bersih
Menyakinkan hati ini
Aku terpaut
*Koleksi Lirik Lagu-Lagu Melayu Di http://mylirik.com
Ohh.. Ohh..
Semua dusta palsu
Aku tertipu
Berubah menurut nafsu
Baru ku tahu
Lakon layarmu hebat
Terpukau ku melihat
Isi hati upahan
Sampai bila?
Kau mahu tersesat
Tidak kau penat
Hidup penuh muslihat
Raja drama
Kau masih berpura-pura
Kata-katamu hanya propaganda
Mengerja hijau ungu
Mata kelabu
Ini bukan kau yang pernah
Ku kenal dulu
Baru ku tahu
Lakon layarmu hebat
Terpukau ku melihat
Isi hati upahan
Sampai bila?
Kau mahu tersesat
Tidak kau penat
Hidup penuh muslihat
Raja drama
Baru ku tahu
Kau bertapa
Bagai maharaja di atas lembah
Lakon layarmu yang terhebat
Memukau mata melihat
Tidak kau penat
Hidup penuh dengan tipu muslihat
Sampai bila raja drama? X2
Tidak kau penat
Hidup penuh dengan tipu muslihat
Sampai bila raja drama? X2
Tidak kau penat
Hidup penuh dengan tipu muslihat
kereta percuma
Buat Duit Percuma
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